How to uninstall the Golem Provider
Before removing Yagna, please make sure you have backed up your private key. You can find the instructions here.
Quick path
If you installed the provider using our quick-installer, execute the following commands to remove all associated components:
rm ~/.local/bin/yagna
rm ~/.local/bin/golemsp
rm ~/.local/bin/ya-provider
rm -rf ~/.local/share/yagna
rm -rf ~/.local/share/ya-installer
rm -rf ~/.local/share/ya-provider
rm -rf ~/.local/lib/yagna
Detailed instructions for custom installations
Removing binaries
Yagna binaries are typically located at: ~/.local/bin/
. Run the following command to remove all of the components.
rm ~/.local/bin/yagna && rm ~/.local/bin/golemsp && rm ~/.local/bin/ya-provider
Removing Yagna data and configuration
Yagna daemon configuration and persistent files are stored in the location defined by the YAGNA_DATADIR
environment variable. If it was not set, then the default location for Yagna data is: ~/.local/share/yagna
To verify if you use a custom data location, execute the following command:
If this command returns an empty line, that implies you used the default settings.
To remove the data in the default location, execute the command:
rm -r ~/.local/share/yagna
Removing the Yagna installer files
To remove the data in the default installer location, execute the command:
rm -r ~/.local/share/ya-installer
Removing Provider data
The configuration files, cached images, logs, and ExeUnit data directories for the provider agent are all stored in the directory specified by the $DATADIR
environment variable. Should this variable be unset, the system defaults to using the following location: ~/.local/share/ya-provider
To verify if you're using a custom data location, execute the command:
If this command returns an empty line, that implies you used the default settings.
To remove the data in the default location, execute the command:
rm -r ~/.local/share/ya-provider
Removing the Runtimes directory
The runtimes directory is defined by the EXE_UNIT_PATH
environment variable. If this variable is not defined the default location is: ~/.local/lib/yagna
To verify if you use a custom data location, execute the following command:
If this command returns an empty line, that implies you used the default settings.
To remove the data in the default location, execute the command:
rm -r ~/.local/lib/yagna
- If you're looking for intructions on how to uninstall the requestor, click here.
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