
How to find the best providers to compute your task

When running a task on the Golem Network you're always exposed to hundreds or thousands of different providers with difference specs, performance and reliability. It can be hard to navigate this as a requestor, so the Golem Reputation system provides you an API you can query with your specific requirements and return the list of provider ID's that match your exact needs.


The filter endpoint allows you to define specific requirements for the providers you want to work with and returns a list of providers that match those requirements. You can combine multiple options to refine your search and get the best possible matches.

Trying out the endpoint using Swagger UI

To make it easier for you to test the API, we have integrated a Swagger UI just below this section. Follow these steps to try it out:

  1. Click on the v2/filter endpoint to expand it.
  2. Fill in the parameters you want to filter by.
  3. Click the Execute button to see the results.

Using the Returned Provider IDs to Create a Custom Market Strategy

Now, let's discuss how to utilize the list of provider IDs obtained from the Reputation API. These IDs can be used to formulate a custom market strategy within your chosen SDK. Here's the process:

  1. Obtain Provider IDs: Query the filter endpoint with your specific requirements to get a list of provider IDs that match your criteria.
  2. Integrate into Your SDK: Use this list of provider IDs to develop a custom market strategy in your preferred SDK, such as yapapi or golem-js.
  3. Filter Offers: In your market strategy, filter offers based on the retrieved provider IDs, ensuring that only offers from providers in your list are accepted. Below are examples for both yapapi and golem-js:

Using yapapi

In yapapi, you can create a custom market strategy by checking if the offer.issuer is in the list of provider IDs returned by the Reputation API. If it is, return SCORE_TRUSTED; otherwise, return 0.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import itertools
import pathlib
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from yapapi import Golem, Task, WorkContext
from yapapi.payload import vm
from yapapi.strategy import SCORE_TRUSTED, MarketStrategy

examples_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent

from utils import build_parser, print_env_info, run_golem_example  # noqa

IMAGE_HASH = "5c385688be6ed4e339a43d8a68bfb674d60951b4970448ba20d1934d"
TASK_CMD = ["/usr/local/bin/python", "-c", "for i in range(10000000): i * 7"]

class CustomProviderStrategy(MarketStrategy):
    def __init__(self, trusted_providers):
        self.trusted_providers = trusted_providers
        self.history = defaultdict(list)

    async def score_offer(self, offer):
        provider_id = offer.issuer
        if provider_id in self.trusted_providers:
            return SCORE_TRUSTED
        return 0

    def save_execution_time(self, provider_id: str, time: float):

async def main(subnet_tag, payment_driver, payment_network, trusted_providers):
    payload = await vm.repo(image_hash=IMAGE_HASH)
    strategy = CustomProviderStrategy(trusted_providers)

    async def worker(ctx: WorkContext, tasks):
        async for task in tasks:
            script = ctx.new_script()
            future_result ="/usr/bin/time", "-p", TASK_CMD)
            yield script
            real_time_str = future_result.result().stderr.split()[1]
            real_time = float(real_time_str)
            strategy.save_execution_time(ctx.provider_id, real_time)
            print("TASK EXECUTED", ctx.provider_name, ctx.provider_id, real_time)
        await tasks.aclose()

    async with Golem(
    ) as golem:
        tasks = (Task(None) for _ in itertools.count(1))
        async for task in golem.execute_tasks(worker, tasks, payload, max_workers=1):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = build_parser(
        "Select providers using a custom reputation-based market strategy"
    args = parser.parse_args()
    trusted_providers = [
    ]  # Replace with actual IDs

Using golem-js

In golem-js, you can use the allowProvidersById filter to only allow offers from providers whose IDs are in the list returned by the Reputation API.

import { TaskExecutor } from "@golem-sdk/task-executor";
import { pinoPrettyLogger } from "@golem-sdk/pino-logger";
import { OfferProposalFilterFactory } from "@golem-sdk/golem-js";

 * Example demonstrating how to use the predefined filter `allowProvidersById`,
 * which only allows offers from a provider whose id is in the array

const whiteListIds = [

(async function main() {
  const executor = await TaskExecutor.create({
    logger: pinoPrettyLogger({ level: "info" }),
    demand: {
      workload: {
        imageTag: "golem/alpine:latest",
    market: {
      rentHours: 0.5,
      pricing: {
        model: "linear",
        maxStartPrice: 0.5,
        maxCpuPerHourPrice: 1.0,
        maxEnvPerHourPrice: 0.5,
      offerProposalFilter: OfferProposalFilterFactory.allowProvidersById(whiteListIds),

  try {
    await (exe) => console.log((await"echo 'Hello World'")).stdout));
  } catch (err) {
    console.error("Task execution failed:", err);
  } finally {
    await executor.shutdown();

Detailed look at the filter options

Filter providers based on if they have port open or not (p2p vs non-p2p)

You can filter providers based on if they have their ports open or not. This can be effective when you as a requestor doesn't have portforwarded ports but still require a service or task on the network to run with low network latency. You can filter for providers with open ports using the parameter below:

  • providerHasOpenPorts set to True will return providers with open ports. False will return providers with no ports open and instead routing through relay

Filter providers based on Ping

You can filter providers based on their average ping in milliseconds using:

  • minPing and maxPing Additionally, you can filter the providers in a particular region using the pingRegion parameter. The available regions are europe, asia, and us.

You can also specify whether the pings should be peer-to-peer (p2p) using the is_p2p parameter. If is_p2p is set to True, pings are conducted from open ports; if False, they are routed through the relay. The default value is False.

Filter providers based on Task Success Rate

You can filter providers based on their task success rate:

  • minSuccessRate and maxSuccessRate set the minimum and maximum percentage of successfully completed tasks.

Filter providers based on uptime and provider age

You can filter providers based on their uptime percentage. minUptime and maxUptime allow you to set a range for the uptime of providers. For example, if you set minUptime to 90, then only providers that have been online for at least 90% of the time will be returned.

You can also filter providers based on how long they've been registered using minProviderAge. This parameter allows you to set a minimum number of days since a provider was created.

Using minProviderAge in conjunction with minUptime is particularly useful. For example, a provider with 100% uptime over just 2 minutes doesn't offer much reliability for long-running tasks. By setting minProviderAge, you ensure that only providers who have been on the network for a minimum number of days are included in your minUptime calculation. This helps in selecting providers who have demonstrated consistent performance over a longer period, making them more suitable for long-running services on Golem.

Filter providers based on CPU performance

There are two benchmarks to filter providers based on CPU performance: multi-thread and single-thread.

  • minCpuMultiThreadScore and maxCpuMultiThreadScore filter providers based on their CPU multi-thread benchmark scores.
  • minCpuSingleThreadScore and maxCpuSingleThreadScore filter based on CPU single-thread benchmark scores. The higher the score, the better the CPU performance.

Filter providers based on Memory Performance

The memory performance is measured by the throughput in MiB/sec.

  • minMemorySeqRead and maxMemorySeqRead set the range for minimum and maximum sequential read performance.
  • minMemorySeqWrite and maxMemorySeqWrite set the range for minimum and maximum sequential write performance. For random read/write performance:
  • minMemoryRandRead and maxMemoryRandRead set the range for minimum and maximum random read performance.
  • minMemoryRandWrite and maxMemoryRandWrite set the range for minimum and maximum random write performance.

Filter providers based on Disk Performance

Similar to memory performance, disk performance is also measured by throughput in MiB/sec.

  • minRandomReadDiskThroughput and maxRandomReadDiskThroughput filter based on minimum and maximum random disk read throughput.
  • minRandomWriteDiskThroughput and maxRandomWriteDiskThroughput filter based on minimum and maximum random disk write throughput. For sequential read/write performance:
  • minSequentialReadDiskThroughput and maxSequentialReadDiskThroughput filter based on minimum and maximum sequential disk read throughput.
  • minSequentialWriteDiskThroughput and maxSequentialWriteDiskThroughput filter based on minimum and maximum sequential disk write throughput.

Filter providers based on Network Performance

You can filter providers based on their network download speed measured in Mbit/s using:

  • minNetworkDownloadSpeed and maxNetworkDownloadSpeed

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