JS Task API Reference
Module: executor
Table of contents
Type Aliases
Type Aliases
Ƭ ExecutorMainOptions: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
enableLogging? | boolean | Set to false to completely disable logging (even if a logger is provided) |
skipProcessSignals? | boolean | Do not install signal handlers for SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGBREAK, SIGHUP. By default, TaskExecutor will install those and terminate itself when any of those signals is received. This is to make sure proper shutdown with completed invoice payments. Note: If you decide to set this to true , you will be responsible for proper shutdown of task executor. |
startupTimeout? | number | Timeout for waiting for at least one offer from the market expressed in milliseconds. This parameter (set to 90 sec by default) will issue a warning when executing TaskExecutor.run if no offer from the market is accepted before this time. If you'd like to change this behavior, and throw an error instead, set exitOnNoProposals to true . You can set a slightly higher time in a situation where your parameters such as proposalFilter or minimum hardware requirements are quite restrictive and finding a suitable provider that meets these criteria may take a bit longer. |
vpn? | boolean | NetworkOptions | Creates a new logical network within the Golem VPN infrastructure. Allows communication between tasks using standard network mechanisms, but requires specific implementation in the ExeUnit/runtime, which must be capable of providing a standard Unix-socket interface to their payloads and marshaling the logical network traffic through the Golem Net transport layer. If boolean - true is provided, the network will be created with default parameters |
task? | TaskSpecificOptions | - |
Defined in
Ƭ TaskExecutorOptions: ExecutorMainOptions
& GolemNetworkOptions
& MarketOrderSpec
Contains information needed to start executor
Defined in
Ƭ TaskFunction<OutputType
>: (exe
: ExeUnit
) => Promise
Type parameters
Name |
OutputType |
Type declaration
▸ (exe
): Promise
Name | Type |
exe | ExeUnit |
Defined in
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