React Reference


YagnaProvider is a React component that provides context for the rest of the Golem React SDK. It should be used as a wrapper for your app.


The component accepts a single prop config which is an object with the following properties:

yagnaAppkey (optional)Your 32-character Yagna app-key. If you haven't genereated one already use the command yagna app-key create <key-name> to generate one. If you don't provide an app-key here, you can set it later using the useYagna hook.
yagnaUrl (optional)The URL of the Yagna service. Defaults to If you don't provide a URL here, you can set it later using the useYagna hook.
swrKey (optional)The key used to prefix all SWR cache keys. Defaults to "golem-sdk"


// your app entry point
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import App from "./App.tsx";
import { YagnaProvider } from "@golem-sdk/react";

      <App />

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