React Reference
is a hook that allows you to search through all invoices known to the connected yagna instance. Under the hood it uses SWR so you get all the benefits of caching and revalidation. It's also possible to configure that behavior by passing the swrConfig
parameter. It returns an object with the following properties:
Name | Description |
invoices | Array of Invoices (see below) |
isLoading | Boolean indicating whether the invoices are being fetched. |
error | Error object containing information about the error that occurred while fetching the invoices. |
isValidating | Boolean indicating whether the invoices are being revalidated. |
refetch | A function that can be used to manually trigger a refetch. |
Invoice object type
Name | Type |
invoiceId | String |
issuerId | String |
recipientId | String |
payeeAddr | String |
payerAddr | String |
paymentPlatform | String |
timestamp | String |
agreementId | String |
activityIds | Array of Strings |
amount | String |
paymentDueDate | String |
This hook accepts a single configuration object with the following properties:
Name | Description |
after (optional) | Only return invoices with a timestamp greater than this value. |
limit (optional) | Maximum number of invoices to return. Default is 50. |
statuses (optional) | Array of statuses to filter by. |
providerIds (optional) | Array of provider IDs to filter by. |
minAmount (optional) | Only return invoices with an amount greater than or equal to this value. |
maxAmount (optional) | Only return invoices with an amount less than or equal to this value. |
providerWallets (optional) | Array of provider wallets to filter by. |
invoiceIds (optional) | Array of invoice IDs to filter by. If provided, all other search parameters are ignored. |
paymentPlatforms (optional) | Array of payment platforms to filter by. |
swrConfig (optional) | SWR configuration object |
function MyComponent() {
const { invoices, isLoading, error, refetch } = useInvoices({
limit: 10,
statuses: ['RECEIVED'],
after: new Date('2021-01-01'),
if (isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>
if (error) {
return <div>Error: {error.toString()}</div>
return (
{ => (
<li key={invoice.invoiceId}>
{invoice.invoiceId} - {invoice.status}
<button onClick={refetch}> Refresh </button>
See also
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